Horse Auction Block Company Privacy Policy
Thank you for your interest in Horse Auction Block’s products and services. Your privacy is important to us. This Privacy Statement may be revised by Horse Auction Block Company from time to time, to reflect changes in our business, the law or technology.
Information We Collect and How We Use It
When you register on, your contact information (including your name, address, email address and phone number), your contact information (including your name, address and e-mail address as requested) is added to our secure database located in the United States and access is limited to authorized persons. Horse Auction Block Company may use this information to service your account, to improve our site or to send you information about new titles, features, additions, and changes to our products and services.
Sharing of Information
Horse Auction Block does not share customer information with other businesses for any purposes. If you would like to have your name removed from our mailing lists, please send an email to or send a written request to:
Privacy Officer
Horse Auction Block Company
4050 Westmark Drive
Dubuque, IA 52002
If you have any questions about our privacy practices or if you would like to review, edit, or delete any of the information we have collected from you, please contact the Privacy Official at the address listed above or
Use of Cookies on the Website
Horse Auction Block uses cookies to recognize you and enable an automatic log-in to the site. We also provide session cookies that grant you certain access privileges, such as access to your account and order information and protected content. We use permanent cookies to customize the site as well as to track aggregate site usage and statistics.
You have the option to disable cookies in your browser. Doing so, however, may cause you to lose some functionality on the site. In order to change these cookie preferences, you must change your browser's preferences to disable cookies or delete cookies. Please note that disabling cookies for some services may affect the ability to use that service. Security information is specific to each browser and operating system. Please check with your browsers specific company for more information. Some examples of how to change your browsers preferences are as follows: In Internet Explorer (versions 6 and up), this option is listed under Tools > Internet Options > Privacy. The setting has to be set to Block All Cookies.
HorseAuctionBlock will follow this policy with respect to any refund request:
1. HorseAuctionBlock cannot provide a refund for any reason other than a duplicate (or overlapping) charge for an ad. For example, we cannot provide a refund if you change your mind about the Ad, or its content or enhancements, or if you have made mistakes in submitting the Ad, or if you have not received any inquiries or offers to purchase the item through HorseAuctionBlock, or if the item has already been sold through other means. We also cannot provide a refund if you have made mistakes in the content of the Ad (you can review your ad before purchasing and edit it afterward). In any case where it is determined by EquineNow that HorseAuctionBlock has made a mistake, we will of course make appropriate corrections to the Ad.
2. If you made mistakes in submitting an Ad directly with HorseAuctionBlock, you are able to edit the ad through our online editing tools. If you wish to change to a less expensive Ad, however, HorseAuctionBlock cannot provide any refund or credit.
3. Your credit card will show a charge to Please do not contact your credit card company and file a "chargeback" for the purpose of receiving a refund for an ad you have placed. Because our website is continually being updated to enhance features, correct a bug, or otherwise, please contact us if you should have a question about the charge by HorseAuctionBlock on your credit card statement. Please fill out our Online Support Form...we monitor that daily.